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End of chapter exercises

End of chapter exercises

Exercise 9.1

Which of the following in a classification system is the smallest?

  1. Kingdoms
  2. Species
  3. Family
  4. Class

Which Swedish botanist and physician named plants and animals in Latin?

  1. Casper Bauhin
  2. Aristotle
  3. Robert Whittaker
  4. Carolus Linnaeus
Carolus Linnaeus

The five kingdom classification system was suggested by:

  1. Whittaker
  2. Linnaeus
  3. Darwin
  4. Pasteur

The following example is the scientific name of a lion: Panthera leo. The first part of the scientific name represent the...

  1. Genus name
  2. Kingdom name
  3. Species name
  4. Family name
Genus name

Write down the correct biological term for the following descriptions.

Type of system by modifying many of the Latin descriptions to two words.
binomial nomenclature
Group of organisms which are able to interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
The scientific name of our human race.

Homo sapiens sapiens - (Answer must be underlined if handwritten)

The type of asexual reproduction in the Kingdom Monera.
binary fission
Highest grouping in a classification system.

Give the definition of the term Biodiversity.

Biodiversity is a term describing the entire range of plants and animals found in a particular area – it includes all forms of life in an area. Biodiversity can also be used to describe the degree of variation of life forms within a given species, ecosysytem, biome, or entire planet.

Tabulate three differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

small cellslarge cells
unicellular or simple multicellularoften (but not always) multicellular
genetic material not contained within nucleusgenetic material membrane bound-usually within nucleus
simple membranous system with few organellesdistinct membrane-bound organelles