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Lab safety procedures

Lab safety procedures (ESG3Z)

The Life Science Laboratory has rules that are enforced as a safety precaution.

These rules are:

  • Take care when pouring liquids or powders from one container to another. When spillages occur you need to call the teacher immediately to assist in cleaning up the spillage.
  • Take care when using acids. A good safety precaution is to have a solution of sodium bicarbonate in the vicinity to neutralise any spills as quickly as possible.
  • Safety goggles and/ or gloves may need to be worn when doing experimental work, working with various chemicals, or heating substances, as spitting may occur.
  • When lighting a Bunsen burner the correct procedure needs to be followed.
  • Remember that when heating a substance in a test tube, the mouth of the test tube must face away from you and members in your group.
  • Do not to overheat the solution when heating substances in a test tube.
  • Ensure that you are dressed appropriately: hair should be tied back and loose clothing that could potentially knock over the equipment or catch alight if too near a flame should be avoided.
  • Before doing any scientific experiment make sure that you know where the fire extinguishers are in your laboratory and there should also be a bucket of sand to extinguish fires.
  • If scalpel blades, pins and knives are used, take care not to cut yourself. If you do cut yourself and draw blood call the teacher immediately.
  • When working with chemicals and gases that are hazardous a fume cupboard should be used.